Customer voices

easycamp references

A partner-like relationship on eye level

For many years now, numerous campsites have been loyal to easycamp. Which is why we can look back to long-standing and satisfied customers, but also look towards many new users, who have been successfully using easycamp for a shorter period of time. Look around as to what our customers have to say about working with us.

“Here you can find an extract of campsites working with easycamp.”

Did you know …

that we are supporting numerous satisfied customers across all German-speaking regions and in Italy? From high in the north of Germany all the way to Sicily, from Switzerland to the very East of Austria. easycamp convinced many large, well-known, as well as smaller campsite owners and is belongs to the leading administrative tools in the DACH area. In Austria we are part of the market leaders.

Become a satisfied customer yourself 

Talk to our experts about your demands and ask for specific references.

Contact us – we are looking forward to it!

Our mission

Modern solutions for users with the highest user comfort and best overview.
Management made easy.